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Comparative Study On Linguistic Integration Policies

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30 November 2009

Study on Linguistic Integration Policies in Three European Countries and Challenges for Spain http://www.fundacionluisvives.org/upload/39/20/informe_europeo_ensenanza_english.pdf "The publication collects comparative data from Germany, United Kingdom and the Netherlands, three countries that have developed new legal frameworks and State policies that promote aspects related to integration. In all of these cases there are different approaches to knowing the host country’s language as a requirement to gain access to naturalization or to obtain a permanent residential permit" Luis Vives Foundation An independent organisation working to develop and empower the Spanish SocialAction Third Sector. The Foundation's aim is to strenghten and empower the Spanish Social Action Third sector (voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, charities, cooperatives and mutuals) trying to improve partnership between the third sector and its stakeholders (government, enterprises, trade unions, universities, etc. To be directed to the foundation website go 'more'

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