Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) STAR Awards
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) STAR Awards. Announcement of 2009 shortlist.
Funded by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), the STAR Awards celebrate and reward the unsung heroes who work in the further education and skills sector. The awards recognise the hard work and dedication of people who have truly made a difference to those around them with their commitment, and their ability to help learners achieve and exceed their learning goals.
An overwhelming number of nominations were again received which shows how popular and esteemed the awards have become over the past six years. The judges were highly impressed with the standard and quality of nominations, and especially with the success of the new teaching, training and learning practitioner category for learners, which received huge interest.
The short list comprises over 100 nominees, including some teams and is representative of the diversity of the further education sector. Nominees are from wide range of organisations and represent all levels of experience and expertise.
The full short list can be viewed on the STAR Awards website: http://starawards.excellencegateway.org.uk