Consultation on the draft regulatory criteria for functional skills
From June to 31 August 2009, QCA is consulting on the proposed regulatory criteria documents which will form the basis of the next generation of functional skills qualifications.
NATECLA urges its members to respond individually.
The consultation on the draft regulatory criteria is a vital stage in the development and introduction of functional skills. The results of this consultation, together with the lessons learnt from the functional skills pilot, will go on to form the new regulations. These regulations will in turn be used by awarding organisations when they develop the functional skills qualifications being introduced as part of national roll out in September 2010.
QCA wants to hear from everyone with an interest in functional skills, from employers to schools and FE colleges and from sector skills councils to universities.
Qualification criteria for functional skills qualifications
Functional skills criteria for English
Functional skills criteria for ICT
Functional skills criteria for mathematics
QCA is keen to consult as widely as possible on the draft regulatory criteria before the criteria are submitted to Ofqual for approval. The regulatory criteria that Ofqual is scheduled to publish in November 2009 will provide the basis for regulating the design, development and delivery of these important national qualifications.
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