The Commission on Integration and Cohesion
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21 December 2006
The Commission on Integration and Cohesion is inviting national organisations, local organisations and individuals in communities across the country to say what they think integration and cohesion means to them - and what practical steps can be taken to make our communities more cohesive and integrated places to live.
The Commission's document called - Your chance to tell us what you think - is a chance for a wide range of people to influence its report, which will be published in June 2007.
There are 2 main ways to input to the Commission's consultation:
You can email the Commission Secretariat
You can write to the Commission Secretariat at:
The Commission on Integration and Cohesion
Seventh Floor,
Eland House,
Bressenden Place,
London, SW1E 5DU
The closing date for contributions is Monday 19 January 2007.
This link will take you to the consultation document.
For further information about the Commission click more.
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